His Light, His Presence
I was having a challenging morning. It was actually crappy - can I say that? Well, I did. I was pretty frustrated and sad quite frankly at my situation and really needing God to show up in my situation. Have you ever been at a place where you believe and know that God is who He says He is and you are holding on to that promise that He works all things out? Well I was totally there that morning. I am hoping in Him that He will intervene into my situation as I faithfully and obediently wait on Him and continue to do the right thing. Love, even when everything in me wants to do the complete opposite.
Well I normally pray on my drive to work. This morning I wasn't as diligent but I did manage to open my mouth and pray a few words. On my drives in the morning, it is still dark. While driving on 288, I see this flicker of light on my odomoter. I looked up and around to see if someone was shining their high beam or if it was lightening - nothing. I sensed in my spirit that was not "ordinary."

A few moments later, I saw the same flicker of light again in the exact place. At that moment I sensed I needed some praise music, I turned on 89.3, at that exact moment the new Christy Nockels song "Life Light Up" (go to christynockels.com for a free download) came on at these exact words:
"Let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night
And let my life light up light the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night
And let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night"
God totally was present in my car that morning, those flickers of light was the presence of God Himself! He ministers to me through songs, so when I turned on the radio and those exact words at that exact time came on, I knew that was the voice of God through those words.
I wrote a devotion that morning.
By noon, I was reading this book on fasting. The exact chapter I read, spoke of Isaiah 58:8-9. One heading was the word "Illumiate" and in that writing, the exact words "I am here" was written. Are you kidding me? I cried. There is nothing more satisfying when God confirms in public what He has spoken to me in the private - to me, Sue a girl from NC! My cup runneth over.
Well I normally pray on my drive to work. This morning I wasn't as diligent but I did manage to open my mouth and pray a few words. On my drives in the morning, it is still dark. While driving on 288, I see this flicker of light on my odomoter. I looked up and around to see if someone was shining their high beam or if it was lightening - nothing. I sensed in my spirit that was not "ordinary."

A few moments later, I saw the same flicker of light again in the exact place. At that moment I sensed I needed some praise music, I turned on 89.3, at that exact moment the new Christy Nockels song "Life Light Up" (go to christynockels.com for a free download) came on at these exact words:
"Let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night
And let my life light up light the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night
And let my life light up like the city lights
And let it burn for you in the darkest night"
God totally was present in my car that morning, those flickers of light was the presence of God Himself! He ministers to me through songs, so when I turned on the radio and those exact words at that exact time came on, I knew that was the voice of God through those words.
I wrote a devotion that morning.
By noon, I was reading this book on fasting. The exact chapter I read, spoke of Isaiah 58:8-9. One heading was the word "Illumiate" and in that writing, the exact words "I am here" was written. Are you kidding me? I cried. There is nothing more satisfying when God confirms in public what He has spoken to me in the private - to me, Sue a girl from NC! My cup runneth over.