A long time trap of the enemy is to keep God's people busy and doing alot of different things but never focusing and penetrating on anything. If he can keep us going in circles, allowing us to think as long as we are doing good christian things that is enough or the ultimate goal, we have been deceived.

We must smart up. Several things:
1. I notice that often times many people are speaking the same thing but using different words or communicating it in a different way or deliverance. People can then get caught up in just what they hear or see and don't ever seek the ultimate message. And as a result, we keep speaking the same thing over and over and never move on. We move in circles. It looks a little different each time around because time has elapsed and essentially wasted. We did not gain any additional ground.
2. Preaching to the choir. Wasting time. Move on. Pray for wisdom and discernment to ID people and their needs and address/meet accordingly. No cookie cut or one message for all. I am not talking about corporate worship, I am more directing to times of fellowship/worship on a smaller scale.
3. Understand your role and season. Stick to it. The local church can't be strong unless everyone is doing their part. If we don't focus and penetrate in the field God has given us as an individual in this season, we'll never be ready to join forces with all the other local churches to make up the Church - the Body of Christ, as one.
4. Focus. We need to zero in and focus. Be excellent in a few things.

We must smart up. Several things:
1. I notice that often times many people are speaking the same thing but using different words or communicating it in a different way or deliverance. People can then get caught up in just what they hear or see and don't ever seek the ultimate message. And as a result, we keep speaking the same thing over and over and never move on. We move in circles. It looks a little different each time around because time has elapsed and essentially wasted. We did not gain any additional ground.
2. Preaching to the choir. Wasting time. Move on. Pray for wisdom and discernment to ID people and their needs and address/meet accordingly. No cookie cut or one message for all. I am not talking about corporate worship, I am more directing to times of fellowship/worship on a smaller scale.
3. Understand your role and season. Stick to it. The local church can't be strong unless everyone is doing their part. If we don't focus and penetrate in the field God has given us as an individual in this season, we'll never be ready to join forces with all the other local churches to make up the Church - the Body of Christ, as one.
4. Focus. We need to zero in and focus. Be excellent in a few things.