
Probably about right now Jesus began to feel the intense agony of what would soon transpire. I am sure He felt that feeling of rejection, being alone, misunderstood and how it must have ached His heart.
But even more, I bet at this very moment God the Father was also beginning to feel that intense agony as well knowing that He would have to turn and look away while His Son is beaten, spat upon, ridiculed, rejected and crucified - bearing all of the nasty sins of the entire world and He would turn away. He would have to bear the voice of His Son crying out to Him "please take this cup from me or why have you forsaken me" and knowing that He would turn the other way. Not because He does not love or that He could not rescue but because He does love and He did rescue - through His One and Only Son so that we may live.
Christ gave His everything that we may have everything.