notes along the way

A few notes along the way I haven't had a chance to blog that have been stirring...

1. salvation - save your soul
2. mate - bring wholeness to your soul
3. church - nurture your soul

1. holiness - a call to be holy as God is holy. we do not necessarily need more gifts and talents, but people who are holy, choose to be holy and live pure and holy before God and all men.
2. uphold confidentiality
3. pain helps to prepare us but pain is never the purpose

1. nothing gets pass the Cross - so take it all to the Cross and leave it at the Cross.
2. want the story but require you giving Him the glory
3. want the testimony but not the test, want to go higher but can't stand the fire, want the promotion but can do without the "commotion"
4. the enemy scheme? get you to buy into his counterfeit. settle for less. exchange the authentic for a cheap knock-off.
5. "righteousness matters, think twice before abusing the doctrine of grace" Beth Moore

1. honor the local church. honor your local pastor. each church, find your own God-flavor.

1. know the face of your real enemy, we are not one another's enemy

1. sometimes we don't understand the "why," just be thankful
2. sometimes the most honest appreciation to God we can give is to just simply say, "thank-you"
3. "God does not react, He acts. He is not caught by surprise. He simply acts in His Sovereignty. You cannot change your past but what you feel about your past. saved your from to save you to." TD Jakes

1. "when we praise God, we put an expiration date on our troubles" Dr. Cynthia James
2. "real worship is a progression, a process. real worship begins in your heart. worship is the order of heaven 24/7. the more i talk to God, the more access He grants me" Sheryl Brady
3. my expression of thanksgiving is not always logical
4. real worship knows no logic

1. it's not that God doesn't want to give, sometimes we never ask because we do not want to be a "burden"

1. MARVELOUS LIGHT -- walking into His marvelous light out of darkness...
2. results of prayer walk: a.) presence of God is so strong, evil cannot stand, darkness must flee and all is brought to the light, AND b.) the enemy is mad - we are a threat to his plan
3. too much salt can make you sick (MDT) - so go hangout with a non-believer and win them to Christ (ST). Christianity is not a country club.
4. God may allow us to feel a degree of certain feelings, emotions, and perhaps even evil so that we may be able to minister, love and serve others with realness and passion.

1. most simple but powerful prayer: "help me"
2. most simple but powerful words of thanksgiving: "thank-you"
3. we can enjoy something that does not alter us until we lay ourselves on the "altar"
4. when plain sense makes common sense, seek no other sense - beth moore


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