Word for Today: Revive

"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Romans 6:1-2

To revive our world is to call for a revival of the heart. It must begin with each individual, you and me. Period. We must choose to live a sold out life in honor and reverence towards our God. We must remember that we are in the world but not OF the world.

God is calling us to a change from the inside out, first and foremost beginning with those who already KNOW the Truth to which has set us free.
We praise God for He knows that we are imperfect people. Therefore He has given us a free gift of grace which is available to us in our moment of weakness and when we waver. However, may I remind us today that God’s grace was never intended to be used as a “get out of jail” card or a license for us to do as we please. We must remember that God is a Holy God and calls us to live differently from the world.

We are a peculiar people. We are suppose to look, think, talk and live differently from those who have yet to know Christ. It is for revival of God’s people and restoration of a relationship which sent God’s Son Jesus to the Cross. Are you doing your part to bring about revival and restoration to the lost by the way you live?

We are called to be different. God did not call us to conquer the world; He calls us to live a life of reverence and worship unto Him. And in doing so, I am confident that we WILL win the world to Christ.

Prayer: Dear Father, Thank you for your grace that is available to me when I sin. I am thankful for your grace and mercy however I do not ever want to take advantage of your goodness and grace. I am called to live set apart. Help me to see the things in my life that is not reflective of a life set a part for Christ. Transform my mind and my heart completely towards the things of you. Help me to see things for what they truly are. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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