Nothing Loss

Philippians 3:7-9

It is for a relationship to which God has saved and rescued us. Everything in life, whether pleasant or painful, joyful or sorrowful, in abundance or need, it is for this reason, to bring us to a greater realization of who God is, the depth of His Love and deepen our capacity in Him in order to receive and be poured out.

Nothing is loss when we look back and we see God's love. Nothing. Nothing is loss when we have a greater intimacy with God than ever before had that trial, difficulty or situation did not come about. Nothing loss when we understand to a deeper measure the fullness of His power, suffering and resurrection than when it is displayed in our life. Nothing is loss when we are in a pit with no release or hope by our own merit and good deeds to attain but when the love of God and His mercy carries and pulls us through. Nothing is loss when we become more dependent upon God and realize this, He is our Everything. God alone is Enough. God alone is my Portion, my Great Reward, My Inheritance.

When He becomes our Everything, our One and Only, nothing is loss. No matter how great the pain or "loss" - if it is all for a relationship with God the Father, is there truly a loss?

And here is the icing on the cake, God also restores and gives back what the enemy meant to destroy and break you. In your "loss," He restores and gives back, with great abundance.

Glory be to God!


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