Word for Today: Waging War

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:10-11

The enemy is very deceiving but hallelujah our God is greater! We praise God for He has given us every weapon to wage war – The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). Put on your armor! We are waging war, be on guard for the enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy. He especially wants to steal your praise which will rob you of your joy and more than likely push you into withdraw in order to steal your fellowship among the Body of Christ.

In the last days, the enemy will devise schemes to tempt us to turn on one another – to make those among the Body of Christ out to be the enemy to distract us from waging war appropriately. Be strong and guard yourself. Make every effort to keep the peace and unity so that we can wage war together. Remember this, we are all unique in the way God has designed us individually. We can embrace one another's differences and be moving towards the same mission.

Be careful to protect yourself from getting caught up in things that were never meant to be an "issue." Know the "real" battle and who the real enemy is. We were not meant to go to battle alone. There are no "lone rangers" in the Kingdom of God and in the Army of God. We were created as the body – to represent His Body as we join together. We were created for fellowship, with God the Father and with the all the saints – you and I. Therefore, keep your eye closely on the real enemy – the devil.

Prayer: Dear Father, Help me to continually keep my eyes focused and fixed on you. Let me not be distracted or swayed of things going on to the left or to right. Let my eyes and ears hear the things of you. Please grant me a greater discerning spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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