Word for Today: He Goes Before Me (Thurs. 2/26)

“Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have led a blameless life. I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” Psalm 26:1-3

What great peace and hope to be reminded that God goes before us. In all things and in all situations, He goes before those who have set themselves apart with unwavering faith and trust in Him alone. May we be people who continually walk in His Truth and His righteousness, which will be the forerunners in guiding us in living a blameless life.

Regardless of what situation and circumstance you face today, choose to speak your blessings and meditate on thoughts above. Choose to think upon God’s faithfulness and His power to deliver and redeem. As surely as the sun rises and sets, our God can supernaturally and exponentially turn the tide in your favor in any given moment as we wait upon Him. He is a Mighty God!

Be confident of this, your God goes before you and He is working all things out in your favor as you learn to let His Love lead you and His Truth gird you. Hold on friends, the tide is turning! Glory be to God!!

Prayer: Dear Father, How great it is to be thought of and taken care of by you. I praise you for You fight my battles and you work things in my favor as I choose to obey, love and trust you in all things. Help me to wait on you for redemption and vindication as I know that you will never let the righteousness fall. I bless you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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