Word for Today: More Than Just a Day (Thurs. 2/12)

"We love because He first loved us" I John 4:19

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it is easy to get caught up in the frills and fuss we make over such a day. I enjoy holidays and things of that sort just as much as the next girl but I praise God for I do not have to wait just for that one "appointed" day to express love, enjoy my loved ones or celebrate. God desires for us to enjoy everyday of our life and to make everyday a celebration! Praise God that we are still alive and alive in Him, that should be reason enough to celebrate. And even more, the truth of His unconditional love and unwavering kindness is more than enough of a reason to break out the balloons, confetti and dance for joy!

Hallelujah for God does not celebrate the way mankind tends to celebrate. What would life look like if God only waited until our birthday's to remind us that we are wonderfully made? And how about once a year on Christmas He reminds us that He is our Savior? And this is a big one, what if only on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday He extended a word of mercy and forgiveness? How tragic would that be! For sure my heart would not sustain. Somewhere along the way, mankind began to rely and wait for a particular day or an "official" date such a Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, etc. to celebrate and go all out for the ones we love. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with setting a side a particular day to make an event extra special, you should and it's great. I believe God is simply challenging the "big picture" of our thinking in regards to celebration. I love and find God's saving grace in the fact that He does not love me and express His love in accordance to the frequency or measure to which I often show Him. God desires us to move to a place where everyday is a party and celebration as we live in an overflow of love and thankfulness unto Our King.

Everyday is a new day, a gift from God. As we rise to each new day, breathe in and out and give praise and adoration to the One who gives us life and reason to celebrate.

Prayer: Dear Father, I ask that you would reshape and realign my thinking towards the concept of living everyday as a celebration and a "holiday." Though I am thankful and grateful to live in a country where we do set aside a specific day for special events, help me to live beyond "special" events only but to make everyday special as it is a gift from you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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