
Being transparent is being as vulnerable as being naked before all man. Your flaws, dislikes, mishaps, mishapes and shortcomings lay bare for all to potentially receive or reject. I believe fear of rejection is the driving force to which holds us from being transparent.

Being transparent and real is a powerful weapon with the capacity to "de-weaponize" one another which moves us to greater compassion, understanding, love, grace and ultimately unity. The enemy understands this full well and has been devising ways to keep us from being real and transparent with one another. We are continually in this vicious cyle - if I share, I fear rejection, abandonment, judgement, etc. If I don't share, I risk rejection, abandonment, judgement, etc. So why not share? For real, it's a win/win. What have you got to loose? If you don't share, you are in the same potential "predicament" if you did share and the worst ot the worst outcome took place. But what if you did share and the worst of the worst outcome didn't take place?

This concept is so true with everything in life I believe. If you try and it is within the permissible will of God, what do you loose? You can only gain. You either gain the knowledge that that wasn't for you or the confirmation that it was. You don't loose or gain the Father's love but you move that much closer to understanding the will of God for your life. What confidence and great faith is built!

We rob one another when we fail to be transparent (with discretion of course). We rob one another of freedom and encouragement that our struggles are not all that unique and far off. Lend someone freedom today by you making the first move and being transparent.

Roof off, walls down.


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