Word for Today: No Fear! (Tues. 2/3)

"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side." Psalms 3:5-6

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, months or even "year" when the slightest thing feels magnified by ten or an enemy or difficulty seems like tens of thousands?

Often times when challenging times arise, our human tendency is to put a magnifying glass and multiple mirrors to our situation where then it becomes larger than what it really is and we begin to see double the problem. Though what we face on a day to day basis is real and valid, God is saying, "Chill out my child. Take a deep breath and let's take account of what really is going on. I got you. No fear."

The tactic of the enemy is to tempt us to give into fear and to become fearful. If we fall trap into fear, whether it is fear of the consequence of a mistake, fear for our future or whether we have one, fear due to trials/difficulties we are facing or perhaps fear of rejection or the lie that somehow God will let us go and leave us to fend for ourselves, once fear enters into the picture, our perspective and vision is distorted and the issue is magnified. Soon enough, God becomes smaller and our fear takes control. In a state of fear, we can become paranoid, confused, and our thought process and decision making is impaired. Anxiety can then take residence and everything around us and even people become a nuisance, enemy or threat. Praise God for He is saying today, "You do not have to live in fear."

Choose to say today "I will not fear" and watch how your fear begins to take faith and your problems, concerns and issues don't seem so overwhelming or gigantic.

Fear paralyzes and debilitates. If we are going to allow anything to stop us dead in our tracks, let it be the overwhelming and debilitating truth of His sovereignty and love on your life. Glory be to God! He's got you covered.

Prayer: Dear Father, There is nothing to fear when you are near. Thank you Father for being the calm in all situations and reminding me that you hold all things in your hand but even greater, you hold me in your hand. Help me to choose faith over fear. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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