Word for Today: A New Song

"I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself." Psalm 89:1-2

Let a new song come forth from your mouth proclaiming and claiming God's great love and declaring His faithfulness. Let a love song spring forth from your mouth because of His great love! Hallelujah!

Wherever you are today or whatever you are facing, let His love be your song and your joy. He is more than enough for His love is better than life. Choose to sing a new song this day regardless of what lies before you, choose to sing of His love. In His love, everything is restored and all things that concern us, stress us or worry us seem to fade away in the light of His love.

I trust in you, I trust in you. This life to declare, my trust in you.
You are God, you've been faithful through all my days.

I love you Lord, I love you God. This life to proclaim your fame.
You are God, you've been my provider through every season.

- written 7/25/2008

Prayer: Dear God, You are the Lover of my Soul. You make everything beautiful in your perfect timing. Let me remember your love and faithfulness which brings new life, fresh perspective and the strength to continue. You are my new song, my strong tower. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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