Word for Today: His Name, His Fame, His Time

"LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known…” Habakkuk 3:2

What an incredible time to be alive! God has been up to great things since the foundation of time and He is getting ready to pour forth all that He has intended as His people are now in “proper” position. We are staring down at a near revival, a great revolution – a revival of HIS RENOWN!

In the days to come, as God is showing and pouring out His glory (He will), may the cry of our heart be as that of Habbakuk’s prayer, let it be His fame and name made known by His deeds. May the Name and Fame of the ONE God Most High be renewed and made known in our time. Let it not be about us, but entirely all about Him. May people not see us, but they see clearly the King of Glory!

We desire His Name and Fame to be exalted, alone. His glorious arrival appears when we properly bow down so that He can be exalted.

Prayer: It is all about you, for you. May we usher in the greatest revival ever known to mankind, a revival of YOUR NAME. May the sweet name of Jesus be on the utterance of every tongue. Help us to remember in the days to come it is by You, for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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