
In due time God brings all things together and makes it more clear. Praise the Lord! I am thankful for the things He has placed on my heart and how I am seeing in tangible ways the things He has been preparing all along.

God is bringing both my husband and I into a new season. I like it. I am not fully aware of what it will entail and look like but I do sense perhaps it will allow us to both have more freedom to write, express creatively our passions (writings, resources, materials, leadership development), travel, extend our territory and my favorite, spending time with people whether it be in a discipleship setting or just "being." We passionately love to see God's church be all that God intended, creative and innovative. I look forward to being apart of what God is doing in drawing His greatness out of His people, particularly this generation - young adults and youth.

As for now, I continue to walk and to be obedient to what He has set before me. It's great!


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