as i was sitting in the dentist chair 2 weeks ago getting a crown replaced, God brought this thought to mind: if it hurts, you know its' still alive -- living. only dead things don't hurt.
my tooth was sensitive prior to the permanent crown being put into place. as the dentist probed with the metal pick or squirted water on the tooth, it was sensitive and sent a sharp pain to my brain saying "that hurt."
as i sat there, i thought to myself: i can choose 2 perspectives. whine about the pain or consider the pain as a sign that i am still alive. the sensitivity of the tooth lets me know that there are roots and nerves still active. its' still alive! so the next time something hurts or you get a little sensitive, just remember, you're still alive! i am convinced that God is wanting to produce in us "thick" skin to endure but all the while keep a tender heart, as i have once heard it put.