
do you ever feel like your new season looks much like the old season? funny huh? Well indeed you are in a new season but there is nothing new under the sun so therefore what trips you up, the test and trials, circumstances or situations are all pretty much the same at the root, it just may be colored differently this time around.

so...what makes a new season a new season? YOU. It's a new season because you choose to move forward and to not handle things the same way you did in the old season. The new season has alot to do with your mindset. Learn what you didn't do right in the old season and when the opportunity comes (and it will) choose to resolve to push forward -- making it a new season.

I am convinced "new seasons" are more about the person than the acutal season itself. It's all about that capacity -- it's us! I choose to BE the new season for God has never changed!


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