
surely God speaks to little kids, His angels surround them and use them as reminders to us of His love.

it's moments when my niece Faith looks at me, curled up on my lap and says, "i want to keep you too," (context: her mom was picking on her as to whether we should keep her baby sister. to which Faith screamed "YES" and began to list everyone she wanted to keep). Or "can you come too?" (context: early in the morning a short munchkin that can barely reach the doorknob on tippy toes comes running in my room this AM with a big smile and hug. (mind you she has never been so bold to freely open our bedroom door alone). she's my "boo" i call her. during our morning conversation, she told me she is going somewhere. i then asked her where she is going to which she responds "i don't know" but "you can come with me.). Surely God spoke to her.

God uses this 2 1/2 year old to speak right to me the very thing i need in the very hour it is needed. it absolutely makes my heart melt and i KNOW without a shadow of a doubt God has been with her. there is no mistake her name is FAITH :)


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