
Praise God the Lord it is 2008!!! A new year. A new beginning. I am refreshed, renewed, rejuvinated and revived.

Winter Camp:
God answered EXACTLY as a I prayed and gave me so many bonuses in regards to Winter Camp! He is a good daddy!!

Many promises, expectations and words of prophecy were met, took place and called into existence and confirmed. I am humbled. So humbled for it is all God!! I am continually convinced that God is SO for His fame and glory.

Thankful for the time I had to spend with those I normally don't get a chance to in Houston. I am expecting for those bonds to grow and will purposefully seek opportunities for such in 2008.

God spoke much to my heart...He is gracious and incredibly generous.

My life verse: "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." Isaiah 26:3

I am thankful for the time I had to spend with my husband to close out 2007. It has seemed forever with the hussle and bussle of the year and the holidays. How God renewed our love and passion for one another. We are at our best for one another when we are at our best for our Heavenly Father. We LOVE when we serve and the joy of being able to share at the end of the day what God has been doing in our separate ministries. How it excites and ingnites our love for one another as we are passionate for the things of the Kingdom!


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