Word for Today: Diligence - Don't Abort

"An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end." Proverbs 20:21

Our life in Christ is a process. We move from one season to the next all in preparation for what God has prepared us for. Perhaps you may be in a season of silence and stillness and others may be in a season of hussle and harvest. Whichever the season God says, "be diligent - don't abort." Don't abort and bail out on a dream or calling because it is slow in the coming. And don't become too satisfied and abort the fullness of a dream or calling because you think what you are currently experiencing is "it" or all to "it." Our God is a God that rewards diligence and patience in every season.

Whether you are facing a career change, a life decision or a ministry calling, be diligent in every season. Maximize your full potential in every season and dig deep roots by being firmly planted in the Word of God and sustained by a living and real relationship. In our diligence, God is digging a deeper capacity within us to withstand His glory and His blessings. God rewards the diligent - He's in it for the long haul and is looking for those who are as well.

Prayer: Dear Father, Help me to have your eyes in every season that I may make the most and maximize every opportunity in every season. Develop in me a spirit of diligence and tenacity for the things of you. Grant me the grace to not abort the fullness of what you have intended for my life. I look to you and you alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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