It is near - so very near because it is in my heart.
Someone once said, revival begins in the individuals' heart. I ache & long for more of God. To overflow with His anointing & presence to all around. Let it begin in my very own life - in my heart.
Is revival near to you? It's got to be in you before. Don't wait to "catch" it - it doesn't work that way, it has got to start in your very own heart.
On your knees, pleading for more of God.
Revival - revive, awaken the heart - to designed - for Christ, to Worship Him.
Someone once said, revival begins in the individuals' heart. I ache & long for more of God. To overflow with His anointing & presence to all around. Let it begin in my very own life - in my heart.
Is revival near to you? It's got to be in you before. Don't wait to "catch" it - it doesn't work that way, it has got to start in your very own heart.
On your knees, pleading for more of God.
Revival - revive, awaken the heart - to designed - for Christ, to Worship Him.