
What habit needs to be broken from your life? God gave me mine, loud and clear. He has a funny way of working. When He wants to get a msg to you, He will!

Dr. Harold Sala's guidelines today talk about "habits." Here are his points to help break a bad habit:

Guideline #1: Break with the old habit decisively. Don’t cut a dog’s tail off an inch at a time. The Ephesians burned their magic books in one great fire. Draw a line and by the grace of God cross it, never to return.

Guideline #2: Establish a new habit immediately. “In the main,” wrote Henry James, “all experts agree that abrupt acquisition of the new habit is the best way.” You’ll also find God’s help and strength in this guidelines which takes you beyond where you are in the natural. There is God’s help to overcome man’s failure—your failure.

Guideline #3: Go public with your commitment. Run up the flag. Tell your friends. Sign a pledge. Paint a sign, or fly a banner, but don’t go back. Make a clean break with past habits and friends which drag you down. Nobody but you can do this, but you can.

Guideline #4: Reach out for God’s strength. The Bible is full of promises of help. “The power that works with you,” using the biblical phrase, is the Holy Spirit. It’s hand within giving you strength to be the person He wants you to be. He makes the difference.

After immediately reading the commentary for today, I immediately drafted an email to some girls I have been discipling challenging each one to think of a bad habit they need to break & just do it. We will hold one another accountable. Certaintly I can't challenge someone to do something & not do the same for myself. So I sat & thought to myself, "where do I even begin to start? I feel as if there are so many things to cut off and out."

About an hour later, I sat down for lunch, opened up "Journey - Devotional for busy women" & right there as if in BIG neon letters, God let me know what I need to work on. Praise God! God is forever chasing after me & pursuing my heart.

I am convinced that God is SO for us & is all about our growth & our victory in Him. Truly I believe God desires & longs for things for our lives more than we do for ourselves. What a great Daddy. What a great Teacher- setting us up for success!

What about you? What habit needs to be cut off & out from your life? It is never too late. I am starting, so can you.

Today's Verse: "The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength...the LORD on high is mighty." Psalm 93:1; 4b

How fitting for today's challenge - He is armed with Strength & is Mighty. Mighty to help in our time of need & certaintly able to help break any addiction, depression, bondage, or habit in our life. May He strengthen us.


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