
I praise God for how He has restored & renewed me.

To be completely transparent- can't be more transparent than placing this blog on the internet, God has been doing a deep work in my heart & in my life. I praise God for His redemptive powers, His unfailing love & patience, His diligent & passionate pursuit of my heart & how He desires great things for my life. God is truly a God who restores & rebuilds. No matter how badly I screw things up, He never changes & He CAN rebuild & turn for good what the enemy meant for destruction & harm for His glory.

My heart is full of hope trusting in Him & believing in HIS ability to work & move. I am learning and constantly learning to do my part & to trust He will do His. God is really working on me about being patient.

Reconciliation and healing is God's will & His desire for every child of God. I am constantly reminded that God is the only one who can bring about the true reconciliation & healing I need in order for me to be completely whole - spirit, physical, emotional, mental so that I can be wholly His.

My God is a God of abundance. I am forever amazed by His grace - it is just His pure grace & love that compels Him to do what He does for me. How He has been so faithful to me. May I live in such a way that does not take His grace for granted or prostitute His pure love for me.


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