Word for Today: Still Alive

“After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive…” Acts 1:3a

Jesus is still alive! Did you hear that? God the Father is reminding His people today that He is still God and the Son is still ALIVE! Whatever situation, circumstance, storm, problem, or task you are facing today, you can soar through it because you have The Hope of Our Living Savior at work on your behalf!

There is nothing that you have faced, are currently facing or will face in this lifetime that Jesus cannot help you through. It’s impossible. Not only does He understand but He also provides the answer and solution to our every need. Jesus willing suffered so that He may be able to identify with us – our pains, wounds, failures, rejections, anxieties and fears. Why? So that we would have Someone in our hour of need. And not only can He identify with us because He has walked where we have walked, He also has the answer for every situation. On that third day, Jesus rose again, conquering the grave and claimed victory on our behalf. Praise the Lord!!

Wherever this word finds you today, take heart because Your Deliverer IS STILL ALIVE!! If you are in a season of providence, give thanks and praise for it is the Living God that gives it to you. And if you find yourself in need of a dose of “life” because everything around appears hopeless and dry, your Savior is still alive and He is at work on your behalf right at this very moment.

So rise up and dust yourself off. God doesn’t want you to just “get by” or “get through” the “storm,” He wants you to rise above the storm so that you may be able to minister to others who do not have The Hope we have in Christ. God is entrusting you with a powerful testimony that Jesus is alive – live your life in such a way, particularly though the “storms” of life that gives powerful and convincing proof that He is alive!!


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