
it's been a long journey thus far as I look back on the years, especially the last 4 years. it's been a journey filled with many sorts of things but at the end of it all, i can confidently stand before God and say, "i loved and i loved well." i gave it my all and i gave my very best.

it's hard to put into words all of the sorts of emotions when you come to a particular juncture in your journey or even summarize a particular portion of your journey into a few words. but if i had to, i would say it was "love."

love encompasses so much. times of joy, sadness, struggles, sacrifice, giving, laughter, tears, stretching, death, life and even pain. but in all things, love never fails and it is worth it for God is Love and He is so worthy.

it's been a journey, it has. i will lie down to rest, but just for a while because my heart has been set on pilgrimage. i have been destined for greatness.

moving forward - from glory to glory for my God is great and He loves me.


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