Regardless of what your circumstances or the situation you are in wants you to believe or the chaos and state of our nation today, if you are IN Christ, you are winning -- you are a winner.
DO NOT believe the lie of the enemy in making you believe others. We ARE winners and we ARE winning. God Almighty is still on His throne, He still rules and reigns and He still holds all power and authority.
Lift you head up, look up and rise up for your God is a Mighty God -- nothing can stop Him. And if you are in Him, you are a winner, you are winning.
DO NOT believe the lie of the enemy in making you believe others. We ARE winners and we ARE winning. God Almighty is still on His throne, He still rules and reigns and He still holds all power and authority.
Lift you head up, look up and rise up for your God is a Mighty God -- nothing can stop Him. And if you are in Him, you are a winner, you are winning.