Word for Today: Magnify

“…I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20b

When trials and challenges come about, we have a choice. We can either magnify the situation or magnify our Savior. What shall we choose? May God help us to have greater faith in Him so that we may be able to magnify Him in every and all situations; whether pleasant or unpleasant.

So let me ask you, how do you view life challenges? Are they opportunities for God to demonstrate His power and love or are they hindrances because you cannot see past the immediate challenge that you allow to obstruct your view of the face of your Sweet Savior? Are you making mountains out of your trials or are you magnifying our Lord as you declare the mountain to move? We have a choice everyday to make a mountain out of our trials or to magnify our Lord Jesus as we remain at peace knowing that He is in control. May God help us in the renewal of our perspective to begin to see things as an opportunity not a hindrance.

So the next time you have a less than desirable “interruption” or bump in the road, remember, that is your grand opportunity to magnify our Lord Jesus and brag in faithof His goodness that will bring you through. But even more, what a grand opportunity for another dimension of God’s great character to be revealed in that situation and the power of His amazing love revealed to us as He carries us through.

Remember, it’s all about The Relationship.

Prayer: Dear Father, you are my Great Reward, my Inheritance. You are what I desire. As this truth is ingrained and tattooed on my heart, whatever life brings my way, I will be able to stand strong because your love is enough because it is all about my relationship with you. Thank you for choosing me to be in fellowship with you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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