Word for Today: His Eyes
“The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.” Psalm 11:4
The Man upstairs is watching and He examines all things. What would He find when He examines your heart and thoughts? May God help us to routinely take inventory of our life and take captive every thought that does not please Him lest we slip into sin.
Living a life of purity, holiness and honor unto the Lord is an active decision of our will. We must proactively and daily submit our will, way, and wandering thoughts to Him; replacing it with His truth.
God did not create us as robots where He would simply program us to be this “super” holy Christian. God is after the sanctification of our character ---becoming more like His Son Jesus through the active choices we make to choose to be like His Son. We can plead, wail and travail in prayer but there comes a point where it is on us. All things are available but not all things are automatic.
God doesn’t force us. But surely His eyes are always watching.
Prayer: Dear Father, I long to become more like your Son Jesus. I want when you look at me, you see your Son Jesus in how I live my life and conduct my everyday affairs Give me strength Lord to do my part. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.