Word for Today: Wisdom
“God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth ofunderstanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.” I King 4:29 
As I think about God’s goodness, I begin to ponder about the infinite things I love about our God. His goodness is without measure but with each passing day and beginning and closing of new seasons of life, I cherish, adore and covet His wisdom. Wisdom is what I desire.
I need wisdom for each decision (as the stakes of those decisions increase in weight not only affecting my life but those around). I need wisdom in ministry (what to do, what not to do, how to resolve issues and conflicts, how to deal with people), I need wisdom as a wife (how to love my husband even better than the day before, how to serve him and be a helpmate to him) and I need wisdom as to how to be an effective employee at work. Those are just a few areas I have listed but I need wisdom in every area of my life! I desire wisdom from God because He is Wisdom and He knows best. I don’t want to make one step, decision without His leading and lending of perfect wisdom. I have come to understand that if I have God-wisdom, I will have everything I need.
Whatever you face today, ask God for wisdom. You can’t live without it and I hope you don’t make a decision without first seeking the counsel and wisdom of the Counselor and the Almighty Wise God. God is ready to give, the moment we submit and ask. But when He does speak and lend wisdom, be quick to obey and heed to His prompting.
God is a generous God seeking to find a people to bless and enrich. If you find yourself in need or “lacking” today, why not boldly approach your heavenly Father right where you are and by faith ask of Him? He longs to pour out upon your life. What a good God!
Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for you are a wise God and you long to make yourself known. Help me each day Lord to see your counsel and to obey when you instruct. I patiently wait upon you for all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

As I think about God’s goodness, I begin to ponder about the infinite things I love about our God. His goodness is without measure but with each passing day and beginning and closing of new seasons of life, I cherish, adore and covet His wisdom. Wisdom is what I desire.
I need wisdom for each decision (as the stakes of those decisions increase in weight not only affecting my life but those around). I need wisdom in ministry (what to do, what not to do, how to resolve issues and conflicts, how to deal with people), I need wisdom as a wife (how to love my husband even better than the day before, how to serve him and be a helpmate to him) and I need wisdom as to how to be an effective employee at work. Those are just a few areas I have listed but I need wisdom in every area of my life! I desire wisdom from God because He is Wisdom and He knows best. I don’t want to make one step, decision without His leading and lending of perfect wisdom. I have come to understand that if I have God-wisdom, I will have everything I need.
Whatever you face today, ask God for wisdom. You can’t live without it and I hope you don’t make a decision without first seeking the counsel and wisdom of the Counselor and the Almighty Wise God. God is ready to give, the moment we submit and ask. But when He does speak and lend wisdom, be quick to obey and heed to His prompting.
God is a generous God seeking to find a people to bless and enrich. If you find yourself in need or “lacking” today, why not boldly approach your heavenly Father right where you are and by faith ask of Him? He longs to pour out upon your life. What a good God!
Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for you are a wise God and you long to make yourself known. Help me each day Lord to see your counsel and to obey when you instruct. I patiently wait upon you for all things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.