A msg. to leaders

This was a msg. the Holy Spirit prompted me to share with our youth leaders this past Monday titled: "Something is stirring"

God is up to something great! It has been brewing and stirring for quite some time now and I sense in my spirit it is getting ready to burst forth! Let's continue to PRESS in prayer for each student.

I believe in the next 2 weeks we will begin to see a great outpouring of His spirit on not a few students but ALL!! God has been confirming and lining things up for the past few months that we can't miss this opportunity. Let's be faithful and obedient to do our part and pray the students into maturity and their God given destiny! No more sitting on the fence - this generation will be a generation SOLD OUT for Christ!

Pray, Pray, Pray! May God help us to stand in the gap for this generation's heart - on our knees.


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