I love it!!

I love late night conversations with people who call to seek hope and peace. Why do it I love it? I love it because I get the incredible privilege and honor to point them back to the Living and Real God who is the Peace and Hope for which their heart is seeking and desperately crying out for.

There is a cry - a deep, wailing, and desperate cry coming out of this generation begging & pleading for something else, something different, something more than what they are currently experiencing and living. It is so easy to look around at our culture, our society and to quickly write the people engaging in such "anti-God" things as those who are so far from desiring God or the truth. I beg to differ. I believe what we see in the physical is the manifestation and the inward cry of the depravity and lacking of their hearts. People who are seemingly what we call "unapproachable," or "un-engaged with spiritual things" seem that way perhaps not because they want to be "anti-church" but that the Church has neglected to offer or provide the relevance and real things to which their heart longs and desires. If the Church is not fulfilling and meeting - then of course people will find it somewhere else.

It is time that we take our Church back and restore it back to God's intended purpose. It is all about an intimate and real relationship with the Father. Let's meet peoples real needs. Is that not how Jesus did it? He first met their physical need and was able to address and meet their spiritual need. There are physical needs that need to be addressed, helped and healed. If the Church can't help, who can?

Church, rise up and stand with me in prayer for this generation. We stand in the gap for this generations heart. We stand and say we will bring relevance back to the Church. Needs will be met in the Name of Jesus!


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