The enemy knows

My God is up to something incredibly great and the enemy knows. God has always been up to something great but the reality and the manifestation of a greater outpouring of His Spirit will rock this world! The enemy wants me and my family to lose our peace and sleep so we will not be able to fully enjoy the celebration that My GOD IS ALIVE! We have sunrise service tomorrow and a combined evangelism service which my husband will be translating for. The enemy cannot shake us. My God is in control and I am at peace. My faith will not be shaken for my God is my rock!

For the past 3 hours my husband and I have been on and off the phone talking w/ my family in NC about an accident my nephew had about 6 hours earlier today. He cut an artery in his foot and lost quite a bit of blood. The doctors took 3 hours before seeing him. He was then taken to have the artery & his foot stitched. As soon as he was getting ready to be discharged, the artery opened up again and now is back in for more stitching. Certaintly God did not cause the accident and not necessarily the enemy either but God will receive the glory as a result and the enemy will not use this as an opportunity to discourage.

Get ready - God is on the move and I am standing firm and ready! I praise God for my church family who have been interceding with us. Praise God for the Body of Christ!


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