
My husband and I have had and have the incredible privilege and joy of ministering and leading people from all over. We did not seek this out for ourselves but in God's plan and providence, it simply came about. We know our portion and the calling to which He has placed on our life. As I type, I am trembling because it is a great task, one we do not take lightly. We love it. We love working with the Body -- and live and strive to help leaders emerge within the local body.

I pray often for the people God has placed in my immediate sphere of influence. Let me share a portion of my 'spontaneous' email response to one of our dear co-partner in the harvest:

Let the fruit of your life speak for itself. People will come to you and ask the "how and why." Simply be prepared to respond with love and humility when the time comes. And in the process, enjoy the journey and discover your God in deeper ways that makes your life simply irresistible, wetting the appetite of those around!

The next wave of leadership that will see true transformation among our flock, longevity in our ministry and true revival that breaks through every stronghold of religion and permeates this culture are those who are authentic, vibrant and tangible in their walk with God. As we discover deeply the character of God, we discover more of who we really are and who we are not. It's the process of taking off and putting on. He wants to liberate us to fully be us.

Leaders in my opinion are not always those who set out or seek to "be" leaders or even those people label as a 'leader.' While yes, some have more 'natural' leadership qualities/gifting than others but in my years of experience and ministry, those who live authenticly, transparently and love deep -- people follow. Be real enough to 'touch' but have the resolve to keep plowing forward for the things of God is what makes a true leader in my opinion.


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