
I heart my family. I praise God for this time in my life. Truly the heart has grown fonder and the appreciation and love for my family has skyrocketed a million times over. Of course I have always loved my family but with everything life has thrown at me thus far in this journey, I adore that blood family of mine all the more.

Truly there is nothing like family. People who not only call themselves family (by blood) but then live it out and act like a family, that's my family. Bless God, I love them. My family is far from perfect, perhaps like yours and we have our quirks and dysfunctions (who doesn't) but truly, my family is true to the bone to what it means when God created 'family.' We don't talk a big game and only gather around holidays and birthdays to 'show off' that we are family but in the everyday, mundane daily tasks of life, we are a family.

I am blessed, beyond description. I wish I could take a snapshot of how my family interacts - what a beautiful picture. My brothers' wife and sisters' husbands are not in-laws, they are my sister and brothers. Indeed it was by 'law' that allowed the formation but by genuine love and not obligation they became family and a real relationship ensued.

God spoke to me a few years back and it rings again more clearly with vivid picture and detail. What I sought and hoped in others, God had already provided in my family - my blood family. In no way does this discount or diminish the beautiful friendships I have for you are apart of my extended familia! You know who you are, and I love you! :)

Thank you Father for this time. I desire to live out with a pure heart what it means to be 'family' and not just merely be all talk.


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