
Typically it is the parent that sends off the child on a mission trip. While the parent may be anxious and nervous, they release the child to follow God's calling. The parent in faith releases the child trusting God to keep them safe but prepared and at peace for whatever will bring God optimal glory.

My situation is the opposite. We sent off my dad for another mission trip to Vietnam. Not sure what was different about this trip but my heart is so tender. Perhaps there are a combination of factors. It has been over 5 years since I have sent my dad off on his annual trip since living in Houston. Perhaps I'm getting adjusted. Perhaps the tender moments we have enjoyed as a family over the past few months. Or family prayer time every Wednesday. Or seeing in flesh and blood his heart for the Kingdom and the work of the ministry here. Whatever the reason, I have reconciled and prayed this in my heart: Lord, whatever brings you the most glory and accomplishes your purpose, then let it be so.


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