REdiscovering: 2010
rediscovering what it is to enjoy and be spontaneous. my husband and i took a spontaneous trip to s. antonio -- the riverwalk. that's where we are right now as i type this blog.
it has been enjoyable. relearning to enjoy and just be. the planner that i am, i am learning the balance of planning and enjoying the moment. we didn't get off as early as i wanted but resolve at the end of it all, all that matters is that we are together and we do the things we enjoy. so what if the times and schedule get out of order, enjoy.
when we travel, we love to document. unfortunately, our digital camera is no more but we went ghetto old school, disposable wind up camera - LOL!
we felt a bit silly at first since NO ONE uses those cameras anymore but it was either be embarrassed for a moment and have memories or let embarrassment cause us to miss out. we got over it and can't wait to see the pictures.
we are definitely at a point in our life where "it is our time!" we resolve to follow through.
it has been enjoyable. relearning to enjoy and just be. the planner that i am, i am learning the balance of planning and enjoying the moment. we didn't get off as early as i wanted but resolve at the end of it all, all that matters is that we are together and we do the things we enjoy. so what if the times and schedule get out of order, enjoy.
when we travel, we love to document. unfortunately, our digital camera is no more but we went ghetto old school, disposable wind up camera - LOL!
we felt a bit silly at first since NO ONE uses those cameras anymore but it was either be embarrassed for a moment and have memories or let embarrassment cause us to miss out. we got over it and can't wait to see the pictures.
we are definitely at a point in our life where "it is our time!" we resolve to follow through.