Word: In Advance (Mon. 7/6)
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in high faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.” Romans 4:20-21
Despite of their old age, a promise was birth in Abraham and Sarah's spirit for a child to carry on the family name. Abraham did not allow time, circumstances or his carnal eyes to cause him to waver, doubt or question the promise of God. But even more, through the waiting, Abraham was strengthened not just in faith but high faith and gave glory to God.
What was Abrahams’ secret? He knew His God. Abraham knew so well the character and attributes of God which fully persuaded him that God not only had the power but that He would do what He had promised. Abraham was convinced that His God is a Good God and a Promise Keeper therefore, he would not allow anything less than the true character of God to dictate his faith which eventually resulted in his actions/lifestyle.
And finally, Abraham gave God all the glory in advance for what he was trusting and believing God to do even before it came to pass in the physical. Abraham had such great faith that he thanked God in advance believing the promise was fullfilled in the spiritual.
May we be people who have high faith during the waiting moments and seasons in life while giving God all of the glory.
Prayer: Dear Father, thank for being one who is not slow in keeping your promises but even more, thank you for being all powerful and able to cause those promises to come to pass. I faithfully wait upon you giving glory to your magnificent name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.