Word: Honor (Fri. 7/17)

Honor. There needs to be a restoration of honor.

Honor needs to be restored back to our military, political offices, leadership, in our families, in our churches, among our fellow brethrens, back to the pulpit and even more, back to the Name of Jesus Christ. And we the body of Christ need to be on the forefront of it all. We need a people of true repentance crying out to God for how we have dishonored Him because of how we have dishonored one another, devalued the institutions He has ordained for good works and have made common/ordinary the things He has called holy and has consecrated for His glory.

May the Holy Spirit do a work in each of our hearts today to reveal any area of compromise or anything we have made common when God intended it to be holy and set apart. Do not be deceived in thinking dishonor is only characterized as an outright action of rebellion or an open blasphemy or slander. Anything that goes against the grain of mercy, holiness and love needs to be addressed. Whether you are 100% caught in sin or just .00001%. It is all compromise to God.

Ask God to restore and do a healing in your heart today so that His Church may arise, shine and be rightly upheld and honored the way our Father intended.

Prayer: Dear Father, I own up to my part in the downfall of our society. I receive your forgiveness but I give you permission to search my heart and to reveal anything not right in me that I may repent, be restored and made right before you and the Body of Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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