This week marks 'Passion Week.' The days leading up to the betrayal, death and resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. Even after all these years of walking with the Lord, my finite noggin cannot phathom and grasp the weight of His sacrifice and the depth of His love for me. As Jesus hung on that Cross, it was for me. As He was beaten and bled, it was for me. I receive His gift. Though I am so underserving. For it is by Grace, I have been given and by Faith I have received. The life I now live is by and through Jesus Christ, the Resurrected One. I am alive because HE died and rose again. I am miles from fully understanding and living in and out the Resurrected life. So today, I surrender myself, afresh and anew to that Resurrection power. I take on the work of the Cross. I take on the Resurrected One, Jesus Christ. And live.