
God sure knows what he is talking about when He spoke through the scriptures. He sets us up for success. He enables us to run this race. He knows how hard it is for us in this world, so he provides the secret:

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-17

I am an intense and passionate person. I burden for the church. I want to change the world for Jesus. I believe God is well pleased. But at the same time, He is God, I am not. He knows I will crush under the weight of such a task. So he gives me the secret that enables me to continue to run this race with great passion, seeking a revival of his name but not have a heart attack in the process.

1. Be joyful.
2. Pray continually.
3. Give thanks in all circumstances.

I love God. He hems me in from all sides and continually directs me.


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