To Love or Not to Love...
LOVE. A four letter word but dude, it can be tough sometimes. God has been challenging my heart to love. To love BIG - as God designed and intended love.
For too long I have been operating on small love; love that is convenient, comfortable, cooperative, and conductive for me. But that is just it, love isn't about ME - it's all about the person; the object of my affection.
How we (myself included) have bought into the knock-off love the world dishes out and how we have entangled ourselves with the world's view of love and tainted the pure view of love God demonstrated. In the process, I am sure we have strangled and tangled ourselves "in the name of love." No wonder we have so many wounded people. Our love "standard" is way off & what we have been giving out is tainted love.
To love as God loves is to do the following:
1. Consider the other...first.
2. It's not about gain.
3. It is selfless...and offering of love unto God.
4. Mirror the Father's love.
How am I mirroring and reflecting the Father's love in the way I love?
For too long I have been operating on small love; love that is convenient, comfortable, cooperative, and conductive for me. But that is just it, love isn't about ME - it's all about the person; the object of my affection.
How we (myself included) have bought into the knock-off love the world dishes out and how we have entangled ourselves with the world's view of love and tainted the pure view of love God demonstrated. In the process, I am sure we have strangled and tangled ourselves "in the name of love." No wonder we have so many wounded people. Our love "standard" is way off & what we have been giving out is tainted love.
To love as God loves is to do the following:
1. Consider the other...first.
2. It's not about gain.
3. It is selfless...and offering of love unto God.
4. Mirror the Father's love.
How am I mirroring and reflecting the Father's love in the way I love?