
God has been reminding my heart in all sorts of interesting & "creative" ways specifically over the past 6-8 months of the treasures I possess & already have....

Specifically the treasure I have in my family. I adore them all the more as life takes its' turns and twists but make no mistake, all twists & turns perfectly timed and allowed by God for this purpose, to whisper ever so gently to my heart that indeed my family is a perfect gift from Him. No doubt I have always loved & valued my family but at this particular juncture in my life, things just have a way of being sweeter, more tender and all the more precious. I somehow have been enlightened or rather the "veil" somehow has become thinner and I am able to see them a little more clearly & fully as they truly are. Perhaps this is how it goes with age....

OR......perhaps in someway it is reflective or is to be a reflection of our relationship with our Lord.

Of course my "treasured perspective" of my family was not always the case, but nonetheless, even though I couldn't see it fully at that time does not negate the fact that indeed they were always what they are today. And so is it with God. He was and is and will always be what He is whether we acknowledge, realize or savor it fully, He IS.

And of course, I cannot neglect to point out the treasure that is within.

If we are alive in Christ, we too have treasures & possess great riches within. I personally believe nothing brings the Father greater joy than when a son/daughter realizes the treasure within. Why? Because God fashioned, formed you & personally placed that treasure in you. You being you, embracing the life He has given and the way He has made you brings great pleasure to the Father's heart; for you are His greatest treasure.

You my friend are indeed a beautiful treasure. Stop looking around. Look within and give praise to God who has already given you all that you need and let me say, it is marvelous!


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