Ask and it shall be given unto you. I believe that God desires and longs to tell us His plan and His will for our lives if we are willing, diligent and humble in asking.
I constantly challenge and ask those I mentor to continually go to God for all things because He is the Source of their very being. Those I am mentoring and enjoy spending time with find themselves at a "cross road" of asking God, "What's next?" Ask that question of God and go to His Word - our instruction manual for guidance and leadership as to where and how to proceed next. We want it easy, quick and painless: God just tell me in bullet form what you want me to do and I am there! Hate to tell you but it just doesn't happen that way, it could, but God desires the journey and the relationship in asking, seeking and discovering. He wants YOU!
In this journey - our life in Christ, He takes us through different seasons. Every season serves its purpose and is a building block and preparation for the next season to come. God is all about our success and equipping us to live a victorious and fulfilling life in Him. He gives us the proper means and tools to succeed!
I believe that in order to truly be successful in Christ, we must live and abide by His Word - it is our foundation, our unshakable truth. His Word for it is Christ incarnated Himself is our Rock, our Solid Ground, our Road map, our Guide, our Comforter, our everything for the Word of God is living and active and the Word is God.
So why not ask God for a word from His Word to be the foundation and lay the proper groundwork for whatever season He has you in? It makes sense. You will feel this huge sense of relief for there is a rhyme and reason to what you are currently experiencing. It is not random and hodgepodge but all a part of God's beautiful masterpiece.
Ask God for 2 things:
1. What is my life verse? I believe this will help solidify and bring much clarity to your calling.
2. What is your year's verse? A verse for this season, this year? This will help to bring much comfort and insight into the things you may be currently experiencing if you know the history and the story to which it is birthed from.
God has been faithful in giving to me when I have asked. Often times, He already gave it to me even before I "formally" asked Him. The end of last year beginning of 2008 I was watching TBN and the speaker spoke about a topic that reminded me of a verse in Hebrews. I located the verse and wrote it down and it has been on my computer since the beginning of the year. I didn't formally "claim" it as my verse this year but a couple of months ago I posed the questions above to someone and began to challenge myself to pose of God the same question, what is my verse for this year? Glory be to God for He had already prepared and had already supplied and provided for my need way before I acknowledged or remembered I had a need.
God is faithful. Ask Him. It will radically change your life. You will find much peace, comfort and security in knowing where God has you now is for His glory and His purpose. Allow His Truth to be your Rock to help you push through and press into all He has. Don't grow weary in the process, His personal Word through His scripture will minister to your spirit.
From the above, coupled with your passions, gifts and talents, God will bring clarify to your life's mission statement.