
So a while back I blogged that God instructed me to write my dad a letter/email on his birthday to express my appreciation and show my love. Needless to say, I failed to follow through and missed that opportunity. Learned my lesson and in the process, reminded of how my God is a redemptive God.

After I missed that previous opportunity, I resolved to try at it again with Father's Day. I sent my dad an email letting him know how much I appreciate and value him as my father. Now let me give some background info. I love my family and I know my family loves me. You could say we are the "typical" asian family where we am not that expressive with words of affection but certaintly through actions. We know that we all got each other's back.

For the longest time God has been putting on my heart the need to simply speak the things in my heart towards my family - my father especially. My family is interesting - we are not "mushy" and all "affectionate" but at the same time we are. I believe that is ALL God for we have the potential and the proper foundation for such - it takes us stepping out of our comfort zone to do it.

I praise God for the redemptive opportunity to honor my father. I called him Sunday and he appreciated the email and at the end of our conversation he told me he loved me - in words! That is HUGE. I was floored & didn't respond. I am such a goober head! I can't say the words to my family - how strange! I am praying about that. To my nephews and others, no problem, but to my siblings it is a bit "awkward" because we did not grow up saying those things. BUT, I am not bound & God is helping me to step out. Praise the Lord. What a redemptive Father!

This may sound weird to some of you but if you grew up in an "asian" family, you guys know what I am talking about. BUUUUTTTTT not hiding behind of the typial "asian" family mentality anymore - we are God's family and God's family shows in actions & words our belief.


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