
The past 2 months are a blur. After we got back from NC I don't know where the past 2 months flew off too. I know I was busy - a little too busy and somewhere along the way managed to stress myself out and get myself all sick. The funny thing is when you are stressed, you don't actually think you are stressed until your body gives out and says, "dude you stressed." It didn't all hit me until we got back from Florida. Right after Dai Hoi we went on a family vacation. I was okay on the trip but still not 100% - I didn't realize I was still sick until we flew back into Houston and that week it hit me square between the eyes and I ended up missing out on the Youth Lock In and church this past Sunday. I have never missed church! Now you know how sick I must have been - but God gave me peace & told me it was okay, I needed to rest. That in and of itself was an act of God - I am never ok with missing church. God's hand was in all things still.

I am blessed to know of so many who prayed and thought for and of me while I was away. I enjoy taking care of people but for some reason when it comes to me asking for help, I have such a hard time. This time around, God broke me of that. Praise God, I needed help & I asked. I am thankful for the things learned & bonds strengthened.


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