
Today is a great day of celebration and EVERYONE should celebrate with me. Why? Well, it's the only most important event to have occurred on the 21st of March. It's none other than the birth of my awesome husband.

The one and only Michael Dat Truong celebrated another year of life, love and mercy today. God bless, Michael Dat Truong!! Happy Birthday, love!

I have never met a man that has loved and walked with God with more passion, obedience and honor than that man. And that same passion, obedience and honor spills over into all he does and into every relationship. I'm not bias, I'm just speaking the truth. :)

It's been an honor to share in this journey with him and to be an eye witness to God's work in his life. I see the anointing increase in folds with each year and how God continually shapes and crafts him into this mighty mountain. I am amazed by our God at work in him and through him. And just to think, he's just getting started. The best has yet to come!! You ain't seen all there is to see to Michael Dat Truong!! Glory be to God.

So join with me in honoring a man that has truly lived the Gospel. Poured his life out for the sake of Christ and the Church. One that is sincere and pure hearted, a man that is truly FOR everyone - Michael Dat Truong!!

I love you, anh Dat!


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