
We are just outside of DC in Maryland. Stopped for the night to rest before we head to our final destination for the weekend: Camp Haluwasa but taking place on the campgrounds of Camp Wo-Me-To. Interesting name huh? Wo-Me-To stands for Women and Men of Tomorrow.

Life is good. We have with us our two oldest nephews and one of their friend, a youth in the church. As we speak, they are living it up at the hotel pool. God graciously allowed us to rest for the day before the weekend retreat begins.

In God's grace, I finished all of my assignments yesterday so I am able to travel with my man. Did I already say life is good? Well, LIFE IS GOOD. Life is good when all is well in my world. Life is good when all is not so well in my world. Life is good because GOD IS GOOD. I wish I could say during the seasons of life that are less than ideal or more complicated than I'd hoped for I was just as chipper and smiling as during the seasons when life is up and up and going smooth. But hey, I'm working on it. Or rather, God's working on me. I'm a work in progress. Bless God, aren't we all?!? But make no mistake, I am not where I started, by the pure grace of God. Surely redemption is so much better than perfection. Life has kept me busy. My heart is full. And I can say, "all is well with my soul."

The theme of the retreat this weekend is "Gratitude." What a timely theme for this hour, this day and especially on this Memorial Day weekend. Gratefulness is recognizing what we have been given. Gratitude is the action expressed as a result of a grateful heart. A grateful heart receives much. A heart that is grateful opens doors to endless possibilities and especially the Kingdom of God. Having a gracious heart and being gracious will take you as Ed Young Jr would say, to a 'whole another level.' A gracious heart receives freely but recognizes it was nothing of them but all of God - grace. I would say gracious and humility go hand in hand.

Today, what are you grateful for? Are you being gracious? I am especially grateful for the gift of Salvation. For Jesus Christ who made that gift possible. For God the Father who loved enough to send His Son as the Gift. And for the Holy Spirit that empowers me to do the work I have been given.

Could there be an 'ultimate' response for us New Testament believers in expression of our gratitude and gratefulness to God? For what can we 'give' God that He did not give us? What can we 'do' for Him that He did not enable us to do? So where does that leave us. May I present this thought for consideration: WORSHIP. Worship God. As a song goes: 'for all of life comes down to just one thing, that's to know you Jesus and make you known.'

Our pastor in Houston says, 'worship God for WHO HE IS and praise Him for what He does.'


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