
God has given us all a different portion, a different lot. One person's portion/lot may overlap with another persons, one may be bigger, wider, deeper or whatever but make no mistake, we each have our own. Well, that's great and dandy to know but for some, that is not quite sufficient to ease their zeal. So what does one do when they already know they have a "portion/lot" but are still making their way, working and waiting to their lot? How does one gird themselves against weariness, distraction, restlessness or the great tragedy of comparison?

By remembering....

1. Your portion/lot is from God. It is secure. It is yours. In due time.
2. The season to which you are in. Knowing your season keeps you on track and focused; purposefully preparing your "lot" for harvest.
3. To consider and count the cost. Not counting in the sense of whining to God about the "cost" or sacrifice but be real with yourself of the reality of the price for your portion, your lot. It helps calm the chaos of the waiting hour.

And finally,
4. Even greater than the portion/lot you will receive, the lessons learned and the love affair deepened by the journey, IS the prize.

So be anxious for nothing, work on your "land" and enjoy the process.


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