Today in my spirit, I sense a shift. A moving. A shaking. A change. Something feels different ... And it would be like God to confirm with His word out of my devotion today: "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Psalm 2:8
My assignment today I believe is to pray with even greater fervor and faith. Though my eyes have not seen what my spirit senses, I choose to believe. I want to actively be a participant of what God is getting ready to do. There is no other way, I must participate with a heart of belief.
My heart is filled with hope. Pressing and asking in prayer for the "shift" while trusting in God for the things He has placed in our hearts and whispered in our ear. God, I'll give you all the glory.
My assignment today I believe is to pray with even greater fervor and faith. Though my eyes have not seen what my spirit senses, I choose to believe. I want to actively be a participant of what God is getting ready to do. There is no other way, I must participate with a heart of belief.
My heart is filled with hope. Pressing and asking in prayer for the "shift" while trusting in God for the things He has placed in our hearts and whispered in our ear. God, I'll give you all the glory.