an S year
It's going to be an 'S' year. Yep, an 'S' year.
A few days ago as I was praying and planning for a meeting, I just thought of some S words that seem to fit where God has the ministry at this point. Here are just a few ---
- Slow & Steady
- Simple & Significant
- Strategic
- Serious & Silly
- Stewardship
- Sold Out
- Stable but Shifting
- Servant leadership
and of course I can't neglect, a SUPERnatural, SUPER exciting year!
Last night my husband shared, it's going to be a 'straight ahead, straight forward year.' We are looking straight ahead, straight forward to Christ and at Christ. We are not looking to the left or to the right. Not worried about what this person or that person is doing but looking straight ahead, straight forward.
May 2011 be an 'S' year for you too. Glory!
P.S. How cute, God. My name begins with an "S!" :)