discipleship on steroids :)

We are head over heels over our baby boy!!! That is a TOTAL UNDERSTATEMENT. We are in love, seriously.

We are eternally grateful for the gift God has entrusted into our care. It's mind blowing. We are in awe and humbled. What an incredible honor and privilege God has given us - to care for His most precious one. We cannot wait to meet our little man, Noah. But at the same time, we feel like we already know him. His personality is SOOO reflective of his name - a name God gave us several years ago. Surely, surely the psalmist was penning the mind and heart of God when Psalm 119 was written. We cannot wait to discover life with our son and to help him discover life - the life God designed and purposed for him.

God confirmed 100 percent via "science/medical" on August 2, 2010 what He had already deposited into our hearts and that is we would have a son. We honestly sensed he was a boy from the time we knew we were expecting. So needless to say, we were elated when God graciously confirmed! How great is His faithfulness and how He is true to His promises.

I have been relishing in the moment. Cherishing this sacred and sweet time. I cannot describe how humbling this experience has been - not just the experience of being pregnant.  The journey. Yes, a living being is growing inside of me. And that is amazing. But more than that amazing God concept, God's perfect timing is incredible. Only God, only God.

Noah gracing our lives at this point in our marriage, journey and life is confirmation over and over of God's plan, purpose and destiny for us because of HIS GREAT LOVE. Nothing of us, all of God, for His glory.  Our son is a representation in flesh and blood of so many things - top on the list but not limited to is God's goodness and faithfulness.

Noah is an amazing addition to our family. He has already brought so much joy. It's going to be loads of fun, tons of prayer and so worth raising a godly child by the grace of God for His glory, His work and His purpose. Ahh!! We have this perfect "blank canvas" (for lack of a better word) to help direct and guide in accordance to God's Word and ways. To equip, disciple, teach, nurture, cheer and love God's creation, our son towards salvation in Jesus Christ, a personal relationship with God and total commitment and abandonment unto Christ and to the work of the Kingdom in whatever platform or venue God so desires for him is super, super cool!!

If you know me, you KNOW how I LOVE, LOVE discipleship. So being able to raise my own children and to disciple them is like discipleship on steroids (not that I would know what steroids is like but you get the point) - the biggest adrenaline rush and craziest roller coaster ride for me. Ahh!! You can only imagine how crazy excited I am!!!!

Our story shall continue to unfold in the days to come..."Part III, Noah makes his grand entrance!" :) Tonight, my heart is full. My husband and I are overwhelmed with joy, gratitude and love to our Father who indeed gives "good and perfect gifts."


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